Open Knowledge in Bangladesh

Open Knowledge in Bangladesh

The participation of Bangladeshi representatives in the Network was reactivated in 2024.

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Nurunnaby Chowdury

Nurunnaby Chowdury

Nurunnaby Chowdhury currently serves as a journalist, researcher, and expert in digital communication. Additionally, he has contributed his expertise to various organizations including Wikipedia, Creative Commons, Bangladesh Open Source Network, Mozilla Bangladesh Community, Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad Committee, and Society for the Popularization of Science, Bangladesh, among others. As an author, he focuses his writing on topics such as technology, science, open source, and open knowledge. He has authored five books in Bengali, which were showcased at the National Book Fair and all books are published under CC license. Chowdhury is dedicated to the advancement of open source and open knowledge initiatives, a commitment he has upheld since 2006, reflecting his belief in the principles of Open Philosophy.

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